大萨克拉门托经济委员会 Receives Excellence in Economic Development Award


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萨克拉门托, 大萨克拉门托经济委员会 won a Gold Rank for its The 更大的萨克拉门托 人才 Story, a project in the category of Print Brochure of the International Economic Development Council (IEDC).  The honor was presented today at an awards ceremony during the IEDC Annual Conference, 目前正在进行中.

IEDC’s Excellence in Economic Development Awards recognize the world’s best economic development programs and partnerships, 营销材料, 以及本年度最具影响力的领导人. 35 award categories honor organizations and individuals for their efforts in creating positive change in urban, 郊区, 农村社区. Awards are judged by a diverse panel of economic and community developers from around the world, following a nomination process held earlier this year. IEDC received over 500 submissions from 4 countries.

The 更大的萨克拉门托 人才 Story was launched as a response to feedback from brokers, site selectors and other business location decision makers requesting third-party validation of data sets regarding talent in the region. Following discussions with partners at the CBRE Sacramento office, the groups joined forces and each offered their staff members to research, 写, design and produce a joint research and marketing report.

The report was delivered in August 2019 in time for a public rollout event to local constituents, packing a luncheon event at full capacity of 150 attendees. The attendees heard a brief joint presentation from GSEC and Lisa Stanley of CBRE telling the talent story and concluded with a panel of local startup success story companies discussing the importance of access to talent in their decision to locate in the region. The report was emailed nationally to site selection consultants and brokers and is now a top document shared with all prospective clients. A national paid social media campaign was also executed, 直接给ceo发信息, 咕咕地叫, and CFOs in target industries around the country. 访问 The人才IsHere.com 下载报告副本.

“The winners of IEDC’s Excellence in Economic Development awards represent the very best of economic development and exemplify the ingenuity, 完整性, and leadership that our profession strives for each and every day”, said 2020 IEDC Board Chair and One Columbus CEO Kenny McDonald. “We’re honored to recognize the more than 100 communities whose marketing campaigns, projects and partnerships have measurably improved regional quality of life.”

About the International Economic Development Council

The International Economic Development Council (IEDC) is a non-profit, non-partisan membership organization serving economic developers. With more than 5,000 members, IEDC is the largest organization of its kind. Economic developers promote economic well-being and quality of life for their communities, 通过创建, retaining and expanding jobs that facilitate growth, 增加财富,提供稳定的税基. 从公共到私人, 从农村到城市,从本地到国际, IEDC’s members are engaged in the full range of economic development experience. Given the breadth of economic development work, our members are employed in a wide variety of settings including local, 状态, 省政府和联邦政府, 公私伙伴关系, 商会, universities and a variety of other institutions. 当我们成功时, 我们的会员创造了高质量的就业机会, 发展充满活力的社区, and improve the quality of life in their regions. 在iedline了解更多信息.org.

About the 大萨克拉门托经济委员会

The 大萨克拉门托经济委员会 is the catalyst for innovative growth strategies in the Capital Region of California. The organization spearheads community-led direction to attract, 发展和扩大新业务, develop advanced industries and create jobs and investment throughout a six-county region. 更大的萨克拉门托 represents a collaboration between local and 状态 governments, 市场领导者, 影响者和利益相关者, with the sole mission of driving economic growth. The Sacramento Region was founded on discovery, built on leadership and fueled by innovation. 更多信息请访问px86.terwonne.com




菱形 Expands to Iconic Ice Blocks in Midtown Sacramento

菱形 Expands to Iconic Ice Blocks in Midtown Sacramento

菱形, 云管理物理安全领域的领导者, is excited to announce its move to an expanded office space at 1610 R Street in the heart of Sacramento’s Midtown. 在新的投资和伙伴关系的推动下, the company has expanded its team and now employs more than 175 individuals.